My Internet moniker is aerieberry as of late, though it has evolved over the years and I doubt it'll ever stop changing. I made this blog as a sort of experiment to test my writing skills and get feedback, make some doodles and see if I could start something that people might enjoy reading (as well as occupying my own square foot of the Internet and pretending it gives me some sort of power). I went to college to study 3D animation and now I do some freelance artist work on the side. I know games, I love games, and hell I love the Internet so it's not like I need an excuse to spend more time on here.
My reviews are for anything video game related, though you'll find very few actual game reviews in there- There are plenty of very talented and very entertaining game reviewers out there without an amateur like myself cramping their style (I dare you to watch Zero Punctuation without pissing yourself). Though, I thought the idea of bringing together more gaming culture and sharing my experience with it with the public may bring in curious fans whom enjoy gaming culture past the actual games. I hope to expand into news and more diverse articles whenever time permits, or whenever this gets enough hits.
The game industry is an ever-growing business. Even during recessions, the market for gaming strives. Why? It's cheaper to buy a 60$ copy of Skyrim and play for 200 hours then to pay for a 15$ movie ticket which gets you 2 hours of entertainment. Gaming has reached and touched every age demographic and every possible audience that it could, which is something that used to be unseen. Games were saved for the greasy, acne-ridden, 40-year-old virgins in their mother's basement. Now they've got grandmas stepping up to the plate with the Wii's simplistic family-friendly content. It's a phenomenon, and it's mind-blowing.
As much as you can get anyone to admit they enjoy a video game, be it Call of Duty or Angry Birds (and if not that, then at least Tetris), there's always going to be the dedicated cult following that loves gaming in general. From the old blips and bloops of arcade machines to the sophisticated 3D, motion-controls, and more that modern gaming has given us, we love what video games are, their history, their quality, and the hours of entertainment they've provided. Gamers and games are everywhere now, and it's fascinating.
So why haven't you clicked "Become a Follower" yet? Give some anonymous loser a chance and read her junk!
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